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Holiday Home Tour Winner

Another Christmas has come and gone.

Did we all survive the festivities?

I know we did....


MMB has had a wonderful December, thanks to all of our amazing sponsors who donated prizes for our month of giveaways.

Of course, we still have to announce the winner of our first annual holiday home tour.

It was truly a pleasure to peak into all of your homes this Christmas season.

Leigh Anne's home should grace the cover of a magazine. Her trees are simply gorgeous and she has given me a serious case of wreath envy!

Lara is another favorite. From her entry table to the fireplace mantle, her Christmas decor is breathtaking.

Of course, as beautifully styled as some of your homes are, nothing brings a smile to my face more than the trees that are decorated by short little munchkins. The Lady of Perpetual Chaos' tree is beyond perfect.

Of course, I have to include a snapshot from the home of  the WINNER of the $50 Visa GiftCard....

This clever little Santa Claus hangs in the home of LYNNAE, from The Little White Attic, also know as #17 on the link list. Congratulations to Lynnae and thank you to everyone that participated.

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