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Giveaway winner and announcements

Larsen's Crazy Life won the book set from Annette. She did it with her second entry! (see, it pays to blog about it!) Congrats Larsen's! Email us with your information, and we will get those books right out to you!

Now for the announcements:

Guest posting is something we are adding to the MMB. It will be a regular feature, so if you are interested, then email us at mormonmommyblogs AT gmail DOT com. Pitch us an idea, along with a sample and we will hook you up! It is an opportunity to showcase your skills and get some exposure to your blog.

We've got another pretty sweet giveaway lined up for you on Monday! Make sure you check back, enter to win and do a little post-diddy about it... there's some pretty good stuff in there!

Have a good weekend.

Enjoy shopping for quality baby clothing at

