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Welcome to Mormon Mommy Blogs!

This site was originally created as a place for women bloggers to register their blogs and find other blogs to read and follow, in a safe and fun environment; or as some husbands refer to this activity, "wasting time with imaginary friends". What we have grown to understand, however, is that blogging is not wasting time, but is rather a way to make true friends, share stories and experiences, and become a better person. MMB is a gathering place for people with similar values. Of course, this site is not limited to women, Mormon women, mommies, or any other category of person. We invite everyone to participate with us . . . even if you are not a Mormon Mommy.

From time to time we will have guest posts on interesting and important topics. If you would like more information on opportunities for fame and fortune as a guest poster (especially if you are smart and funny, or just smart or just funny), please visit the Guest Posting page. Highly trained monkey spies will be surfing your blogs looking for future guest posters.

We also provide an online community that will provide you the opportunity to interact with other bloggers, on a more personal level.

If you think you're listed in the wrong category, please contact MMB and we will move you into a different category. If you submit a request, please allow up to seventy-two hours three weeks for the appropriate changes to be made (I am a mother after all). Our motto at MMB is: "12 calls, that's all!" After that time, if your request has not been handled, please nag me.

We strive to keep our site family friendly and safe for browsing. This site is an aggregator, so we link to many other blogs rather than posting original material. However, if you post anything on your blog that is crude, offensive, or pornographic, we reserve the right to delist your blog, ban you for life, and send a highly trained monkey SWAT team to your home.

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