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Attention all Fairy Tale Creature Things
(or in otherwords, MMB-ers)

Apparently there was a little glitch in our entry form... We HAD infolinks on our site, but they were redirecting people to a different site that was an entry form as well.


We also noticed a bunch of Anti-Mormon Ad's being run through our site from this company.

Double Dumb.

We have now kicked that Ad Company to the curb. Hardcore kicking. We offer our sincerest apologies.

If you entered one of our giveaways, chances are we didn't receive your entry.

Triple Dumb.

SO. If you really want to win the prizes from YESTERDAY OR TODAY, you need to enter again.

SUPER DUMB. (we know. we're sorry.)

We have fixed all the glitches and our MMB account is now collecting all your data in our Google Doc's account. Once the various winners are chosen, we will delete everything.

Pinky Swear.

That is all.

Enjoy shopping for quality baby clothing at

