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A Day At The Spa

Yesterday my Mom watched my girls while I got away for 4 hours to this little-known spa.

I walked in and was directed to the dressing room, where I was given a locker in which to leave my personal belongings. Then I slipped into something more comfortable. The over-sized and stained white coverall, hair net, shoe booties, and stretchy blue plastic gloves were exactly what I was hoping for.

Next, a nice older gentleman led me to a large room where he doled out ear plugs...such a thoughtful gesture for those who enjoy a quiet spa experience. After that another man directed me to the station where I spent the next 3.5 hours receiving hot, turkey-infused steam blown onto my face. This was the facial. And although they didn't offer massages, by the end of my appointment, my muscles felt as though 2 or 3 small Asian women had walked on my back.

The best part was that this spa day was FREE.

All that they ask is that you stuff raw, stringy, turkey chunks into small cans at an "I Love Lucy" outlandish pace.

And while I was a tad disappointed by my facial results, (the smell was a bit distracting), my soul felt totally polished for having participated in serving others to such a degree.

Guest Post by Jayna of The Haws Family

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