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The CBC and Matt Townsend

Have you ever been with someone who was laughing so hard it was just plain embarrassing? I have and the most recent time was this past Friday. I was the culprit. Want to know why?

Recently MMB had the opportunity to go hear Matt Townsend speak at the Miller Free Enterprise Center. "Who's that," you might be asking yourself. Well, let it be known that Matt Townsend is going to be the opening Keynote Speaker at the Casual Blogger Conference.

Oh. My. Word.

People! Matt Townsend is hilarious! He had me laughing so hard that at one point there were tears streaming down my face, and I may have snorted. Twice.

Then, in the next breath he had our attention so completely as he taught us HOW to create amazing relationships with people. It mattered not who the relationships were with; the principles that Matt taught can be applied to all relationships.

I can't even begin to explain how excited I am that he is available to come and speak at CBC! He held the entire audience in the palm of his hand, and he took us on an amazing journey. I am telling you he is going to knock your socks off! He is going to create an incredible environment of learning for you at the CBC and you will come away from his speech excited to try what you have learned. He alone will be well worth the money you will spend to attend CBC!

I can't wait to see and hear what the rest of our presenters have to offer, because I know if Matt is as amazing as he is, then the rest of our presenters are going be home runs!

You don't want to miss out on the Casual Blogger Conference, people. You will leave with so much more than just blogging skills—you will leave with relationship skills, and lifelong friendships. Besides, I need someone to be there to help me chant: "Tell the puffy pant story! Tell the puffy pant story!" and believe me when I say to you-- You don't want to miss the puffy pant story.

There are still a few sweet swag tickets available—for the first 100 tickets purchased. Get yours here.

Enjoy shopping for quality baby clothing at

