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MMB Week!

MMB has been growing and expanding, and we figured it was high time that we show you the ins and outs of the place. This way, you can get the full community experience that MMB is proud to offer!

Over the next two weeks, we'll walk you through different aspects of the site, and introduce you to some of the key members of the MMB Team.

(If you're interested in becoming a permanent fixture in our community, email us at and let us know how you want to help.)

First and foremost, MMB is a fantastic community. You help one another, you support one another. Each of you individually are amazing, and when we combine your talents, we are blown away by all you have to offer!

If you haven't joined the MMB Community, you really should head over and check it out. We have groups for stay at home moms, single moms, moms-to-be, health and fitness, infertility, and more! Whatever your stage of life, we have a spot for you.

Within the MMB Community, we have leaders. They are there to help you learn how to best utilize the community, and meet new friends!

The most commonly asked question about our community is, "I already read so many blogs, how can I fit these ones in?" to which we answer,


The community is your place to veg. Go over and check out people's pages. You're able to completely customize your page to showcase your blog, or your photos, or your musical tastes. Even if you don't have a blog, you're allowed to join and make great new friends!

Like someone's profile pic? Tell them! If you think their page is cute, THEN go and check out their blogs. But don't feel like you have to.

There are discussion forums in the community as well. Want to dish about last night's Oscars? Start a thread. (Fancy talk for discussion) Have a child that won't quit screaming? Put it in the forums, and you'll get tons of advice and suggestions to try out!

If there's any other questions you have, or concerns, you can ask our COMMUNITY LEADERS!

The MMB Community Leaders make sure that everyone is getting along, playing nice, and having fun. They love to meet new people, and will pop up on your page just to say hello! So, who are these people? Glad you asked!

1.)Amber  2.)Serene    3.)Laura  4.) SarahJane   5.)East of Eden   6.)Lolli   7.) The Damsel  8.)Alexes   9.)Jo in Utah   10.)Ann   11.)Becca

Head over today and say hello!

Enjoy shopping for quality baby clothing at

