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Book Review - Women of the Book of Mormon: Insights and Inspirations

When I read the title of this book, I thought, well that’s going to be a short read since there are only three women even named in the Book of Mormon: Sariah, Abish, and Isabel. Well, guess what? I was wrong. (I hate to admit it, but every once in a while, it happens.)

Who were the other women of the Book of Mormon? The author, Heather B. Moore, shows us that there were quite a few: Sariah, Eve, Mary, Sarah, twenty-four Lamanite Daughters, Queen of King Lamoni, Abish, Queen of King of Lamoni’s Father, Isabel, mothers of the two thousand Stripling Warriors, daughter of Jared, and the wife of Mormon. Women of the Book of Mormon, Insights and Inspirations gives depth to all of these women and helps you understand what they might have been thinking during the perilous times they lived in.

For instance, I’ve often wondered how Sariah had the courage to go with her husband, Lehi, into the desert, leaving behind everything they’d worked for all their lives. Moore gives you a peek into this brave woman’s world and how her faith enabled her to take her family to the promised land.

Another story near and dear to my heart is about the mothers of the stripling warriors. What faith and courage these women had to send their boys, and I do mean boys, off to war! These women had already suffered so much. Many of their husbands were killed because they refused to take up arms against their enemy, yet these women had faith that the Lord would keep their sons safe. Moore explains how these mothers not only taught their sons to have faith in God, but they taught them where their people came from, the story of their conversion, and also the righteous principles of the gospel. The two-thousand stripling warriors had knowledge of our Heavenly Father’s love. This knowledge taught to them by their mothers enabled them to face a mighty foe.

And then there's the story of the daughter of Jared—I’ve read the Book of Mormon many times, but for some reason the story about the daughter of Jared slipped by me. Moore tells us about this conniving, wicked woman and her plot to regain the throne for her father which included murdering her own grandfather! It's important to remember the bad along with the good to truly understand history.

I’ve only scratched the surface of the wonderful and touching stories in Women of the Book of Mormon, Insights and Inspirations. But wait a minute… Eve, Mary, and Sarah were in the Bible, not the Book of Mormon. Do they really count as women of the Book of Mormon? Of course, they do. These legendary women of the Bible influenced many generations who followed them, plus they were referred to in the Book of Mormon. Moore opens our eyes with more information about these women. For example, she explains the biblical meaning to the much debated claim that Eve was created from Adam's rib.

Did you know that Mary’s story began well before she became the mother of Christ? Moore gives context and depth to this beloved story as well. And what about Sarah, the wife of Abraham? Moore helps us understand the emotions of this noble woman and how she probably felt about become a mother long after her child bearing years were over. She then discusses how Sarah might have felt as she watched her husband and adult son set off for Moriah, where she knew the Lord had asked Abraham to sacrifice their son. Moore gives insight to Sarah’s story and shows us how her faith carried her through so very much.

The talents of many artists are on display in this little gem of a book and anchors the reader to each chapter with a visual. The beautiful cover image above is titled A Vision of Mary--Impending Storm and was drawn by Adam Abram.

I highly recommend this book. Every woman will cherish the stories within for they are stories of faith, perseverance and love.

(Covenant Communications, Inc. published this book. I received a free copy to review and have no vested interest in its success.)

Kathi is the mother of three, grandmother of two, and wife of one. She is the author of The Forgotten Warrior, An Angel on Main Street, and soon to be released The Stone Traveler. Her many undiscovered manuscripts are being held captive by her calling as Relief Society President, babysitting of grandchildren, and the walking of her five pound Yorkshire terrier, Miss Elizabeth Bennett.

Photo by Marc ReynoldsName

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