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Priesthood and Handmaidens

I'm sure it was no accident that the most recent General Conference kicked off with two talks that declared the divine roles of men and women and their infinite importance in families.

These two talks fit so harmoniously together. Each focuses on the potential power that men and women have as they fulfill their individual roles with righteousness.

How can we and our husbands work together to access priesthood power in our families as Elder Packer suggests?

Sister Beck declares that our most valuable tool as mothers is personal revelation. What strategies have worked for you in seeking and responding to the Spirit in your day-to-day mothering?

What do these talks inspire you to do or become?

Stephanie is a mom of three young and relentless children. Her interests include latin music, naps, restaurants, writing, travel, teaching, housework denial and long showers. Stephanie seeks for the divinity in motherhood--- tries to share it when she finds it, and tries to laugh when she doesn't. She blogs for fun, posterity, and therapy. Her musings are chronicled at Diapers and Divinity, and if you know how to send chocolate as an attachment, you're welcome to email her here.

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