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Discussion Wednesday

"Do not date until you are at least 16 years old . . . When you begin dating, go in groups or on double dates. Avoid going on frequent dates with the same person."

Here's the question: 

How do you differentiate between "Dating" and "Hanging out"? 

Because in today's teenager's mind?

"Dating" is something you do when you "like" someone. 

"Hanging out" is what you do with your friends. 

15-year olds have friends, and sometimes they're of the opposite sex. 

Where do you draw the line?

Talk to us, you seasoned Moms of Teens!  

We need practical advice! 

Tell us how you navigated those tricky waters between the ages of 15 and 16.

How do you deal with the "hanging out" issue
and still stay true to what the prophet has asked us to do?

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