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CSI: Housewife

Shhh, come closer, I've got a secret.

{glancing swiftly over my shoulder}





I think.

It feeds on my energy, sucking out all my will to clean.

The Closets are definitely breeding.  Shoes and Socks and Dustbunnies cavorting in some kind of cotton-induced orgy.  When I try to open the door fast and catch them in the act, they play inanimate.

But I am not fooled.  Not at all.

The Dishes are in on it too.  They keep showing up in the sink when I know I didn't use them.  All crusty and smelly and usually with partially eaten food still sitting on them.  Those Dishes are crafty.  But The Pantry must be helping out, because the food sure does disappear fast and its not all on those plates.


The other day I noticed it looks like a giant sneezed on The Windows.  I'm not sure how The House pulled that one off, but it's disgusting.

Oh, and don't even get me started on The Floors.  I just don't understand how they can look like that when I just cleaned them the other day.  I think The Floors might be in league with The Children, but its difficult to tell since they are all tight lipped.

"It wasn't me!" says The Older One.

"I didn't do it!" says The Little One.

It's like the CIA around here.

Someone should really do something about it, but I suppose there's only me.

Sarah was recently granted every wish she ever had that was worth  wishing, and now she's learning to be happy with that. She lives in New  Mexico with her husband, son and daughter. When she's not chasing  rainbows she writes random stuff on her blog, State of Obvious.

Image found here.

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