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When depression gets you down: Serve! Serve! Serve!

Lately I have experienced a bout of depression.  Everyone has times when they feel that things just aren't going their way.  I had a falling out with a "friend." I have been really struggling with infertility.  I have also been trying to adjust to being a stay at home wife.  Geez, there is much more to it than I thought.  I was getting pretty down and depressed.

Then I remembered something amazing!  Service can ease the pain!  I had almost forgotten there for a second, it could have been tragic :o)

So, here is what I did; I got out there and researched and researched.  It looked for local opportunities to serve.  I looked for opportunities in far away places.  Then it happened, right when I thought I couldn't get any worse.  I was asked by a bilingual school in Honduras to come and teach English for the summer.  I swear it was straight from heaven!

I will be leaving this summer and I will spend six weeks in Honduras with the children.  I will travel alone (unless any of you want to come of course.) I have a house to stay in and food to eat and most of all I have a place to give of my time everyday.

There are many ways we can serve in our communities as well as abroad.  Just being a good neighbor is service.  Do what you can to help someone else and I promise you will find peace in doing so.  I know that Heavenly Father helped this opportunity fall into place for me.  He knew what I was feeling.  He knew my heart.  He knew just what to do.  What a blessing!

Remember next time you are feeling a bit down, Service!  Service!  Service!  It will do wonders for your soul.

Kelly is a stay at home wife, married to her husband, Will, for 6 years. She has struggled with infertility for 5 years and Kelly and Will are trying to adopt their first child. She spends much of her time online, blogging about infertility, adoption, and serving others at 'Giving What I Am,' her online journal, and also doing graphic design to raise money for her adoption at Modern Blitz Designs.

photo credit: google images

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