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Announcements and Such

Firstly:  A big THANK YOU to everyone who entered the Plentiful Pantry giveaway. The WINNER is comment #43, CHAD. Congratulations Chad! You have 48 hours to email us (editor @ mormonmommyblogs . com) and claim your prize.

Secondly: Back in May, Elisa and I got the opportunity to do an interview with the Mormon Channel. It aired on Monday, and is now available via podcast! Click here to listen as we talk about blogging with our friends, CJane, Leelou, and Teresa Collins.

julie elisa caroline teresa courtney

And because we really like how they summed it up, here’s the intro: How best can you build your blog, keep it interesting, and share testimony? Renowned LDS Mommy Bloggers (Elisa Scharton, Teresa Collins, Julia MacDonald, Courtney Kendrick, and Caroline Bingham) come together for an insightful discussion on the ever-so-popular topic of blogging! Hear how their success has taught them how to be genuine and sensitive in their content. Also, learn tips and tricks for keeping your personal information safe and much more! Listen to this episode of Everything Creative as these five LDS Mommy Bloggers share their experiences to benefit others.

Besides, haven’t you ever wondered what our voices sound like? (Hint: like rainbows and unicorns dancing on clouds.)

And that’s pretty much that. Have a happy Friday!

Enjoy shopping for quality baby clothing at

