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GIVEAWAY! Deluxe CycleBeads Conception Kit

The Deluxe CycleBeads Conception Kit is designed to help a woman in her first steps towards trying to conceive. The kit contains essential items that will assist her as she embarks on this exciting journey. The Conception Kit includes:

* A Deluxe Set of CycleBeads in one of three colors (aqua, copper or mauve)
* A fertility journal
* A two month supply of Folic Acid
* A Lavender scented Soy Candle
* Packed in a discreet, tailored bag.

CycleBeads are a visual tool used to plan or prevent pregnancy. They are based on The Standard Days Method, created by Georgetown University. Extensively tested and proven in widespread clinical trials, CycleBeads are an effective & easy method for planning pregnancy.

CycleBeads are a color coded string of beads. The user moves a small black band to a new bead each morning, tracking her fertility. The bead's color lets her know if she is on a day when conception is possible. CycleBeads are for women with 26-32 day cycles, about 80% of all women.

When periods have returned to a regular schedule for at least 4 months after giving birth, Cyclebeads can be used as birth control. Proven over 95% effective, they are a good option for women looking for hormone free birth control.

$1.00 from every Deluxe CycleBeads Conception Kit supports The Girls & Boys Project, a NYC afterschool empowerment program. The program teaches children life skills - how to handle bullies, achieve scholastic and financial success and develop their own passions.

Portions of all CycleBeads proceeds go towards teaching family planning in developing nations. With education, people have an option to make informed choices for their reproductive health.


One lucky winner will receive the Deluxe CycleBeads Conception Kit, valued at $49.95.


  1. Leave a comment on this post!
  2. Follow @cyclebeads on twitter or Cycle Beads on facebook  - one extra entry
  3. Tweet about this contest and leave a separate comment with the link to your tweet - one extra entry (sample tweet: I just entered to win a @cyclebeads from @mmbcommunity ) 


Please be sure to leave your contact information in your comment, and to leave a separate comment for each entry!  Giveaway will close Friday, March 25. Click here for all other Giveaway Terms & Conditions.

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