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Natural Cough Syrup from Zarbees + A Giveaway!

Have you noticed that you cannot purchase over the counter cough medicine for children under the age of 6? You can’t. I’ve tried. My kids have had this nasty cough for weeks and lets be honest: It’s making ME lose sleep. 

Enter Zarbees Natural Cough Syrup stage right.

Zarbees is a new product on the market that was invented by a local Utah Pediatrician, Dr. Zak Zarbock. He recognized the need for a product to help children stop coughing and there wasn’t anything like it on the market. Especially after the FDA pulled all products containing Dextromethorphan – the main ingredient you find in all cough syrups. It has been found that Dextromethorphan does absolutely NOTHING for children. However in a study conducted by Penn State, Buckwheat Honey—A Natural, Home Remedy—was more effective with treating a Childs cough than over the counter medications containing Dextromethorphan.

DSC_0354I was fascinated as I listened to Dr. Zarbock speak. He was peppered with a lot of questions that frankly I was very impressed with and never would have thought of:

  • How will this affect the child's sleep patterns?
  • Why Honey and Why this particular brand of Honey?
  • Where is the honey harvested?
  • Are their artificial coloring or flavors added?
  • Can people with Gluten Issues take this medicine?
  • What is the shelf life?

He spoke frankly with the bloggers that were present and honestly answered all of their questions.

He told us that it can have an increase in energy, so in their newest product, they have put a very small amount of Melatonin in it to help the child (or adult) to sleep. You will sleep better when you take this because it naturally soothes your sore throat and calms the cough.

They use Buckwheat Honey in this product because it is superior to all other honeys. Most of their crops are being harvested in the Mid-west. He told us that Buckwheat honey is superior to any Prescription or over the counter medicine in calming coughs. Honey is a natural anti-biotic and this product is the safest product on the market for children.

I was so surprised to hear that this Doctor was not only an advocate for prescriptions but also for natural home remedies. He told us that if he can use something that is natural over an anti-biotic, as a Father,  he will. Any day.

Another  thing that excited me was the fact that this medication is 100% Gluten Free and has a shelf life of 2 years.

DSC_0378We were able to taste the medications, and they actually tasted good. They didn’t have that gaggy medicine taste.  I liked the grape flavor the best. It was a little nerve wracking for me because I base what things will taste like on color—I’m totally suggestible like that—and this medication is brown. Remember? No Artificial Colors or Flavoring have been added. DSC_0367

The last thing that I really love about this company is that on Twitter, they have a Zarbee’s nurse.  @ZarbeesNurse is always available to to your questions. They have an actual nurse that will answer your tweets—NOT DIAGNOSE.  She said her most active time is during the middle of the night when Mothers are walking the floors with their sick kids.Their nurse will give you an idea if you can wait it out, or if you need to run them in to see the Doctor. I REALLY like this service that they provide.

Over 350,000 samples have been sent out to Pediatricians across the country. You can ask your Pediatrician for a sample, and if he doesn’t have one he can request one from Zarbees. The company told us that Pediatricians call every single day requesting more samples of this product because IT WORKS and they are excited to find something to be able to give the parents when they come in with their sick kids.

You can find Zarbees Cough Syrup at your local Walgreens or Associated Foods Stores.  Trust me. It will be something you will never want to live without again. Especially the pre-dosed packets! It calmed my kids coughs and I was finally able to get a good nights sleep. The first in over ten days. All thanks to Zarbee’s Natural Cough Syrup!


Are you interested in trying this NEW All Natural Cough Syrup?

Guess what! You can!

We are giving away some product to our lucky readers!

To enter to win this product, simply comment on this post.

Giveaway ends on March 18th Midnight MDT.

*winners chosen via


Jon, Shelane, Jessica, Judy,Sarah,Jo, Amy, Ashley, Amber, Lori, Margot, Lara, Shelley, Marshall, Dr. Zak Zarbock and Danny Villarrel

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