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Preparing Your Children for General Conference

It goes without saying that it's much easier to get more out of General Conference if you can actually hear it.  Children can make listening difficult.  I learned early on in the parenting game that the more involved I could get my children in the General Conference process, the more I myself could get out of it.  A lovely (and intentional) side effect is their own enthusiasm for and appreciation of living prophets and their semi-annual counsel.  Here are a few resources to help your children participate positively in General Conference:

The Church has provided this page with some print-outs and computer games to help children prepare for General Conference.

The following are all excellent references offered from, including General Conference Activity Packets for all ages.

When you click on the links you can download the documents and print them out:

Senior Primary Packet and Sticker Pages (print on sticker/label paper from Office Supply Store)

Check out this page for other General Conference ideas, coloring pages, snacks, activities, etc.

Here’s another site with a lot of packets, cards, and other resources.

This is an article that I helped author:  “Preparing Our Children for General Conference”  It has some specific ideas of activities/games you can do with children  (even small children) before, during, and after conference.

Here are also some great articles to help you get yourself and your children in the General Conference mindset:

Your children will learn a lot from your own example and testimony.  General Conference is a great time to share both.

Stephanie     is a mom of three young and relentless children. Her interests   include   Latin music, naps, restaurants, writing, travel, teaching,   housework   denial and long showers. Stephanie seeks for the divinity in   motherhood--- tries to share it when she finds it, and tries to laugh   when she doesn't. She blogs for fun, posterity, and therapy. Her    musings  are chronicled at Diapers and Divinity.

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