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Why Do You Have Sister Sites, MMB?

We have gotten several emails from people asking why in the Sam-Hill we have sister sites. What’s it for and how does it even benefit the readers of MMB?

Let us explain:

After the Casual Blogger Conference ended last May we knew that we couldn’t stop working with Julie from Leelou Blogs so we formed a network together called the Casual Blogger Network. It seemed like the most natural thing in the world for us to do because we all bring different strengths to our network and we really like each other!

The Casual Blogger Network is committed to not only bringing you the very best content we can find on the web, but offering you support and solutions as you try and navigate the waters of womanhood. Whether you are a young or seasoned mother, married or swinging single we are committed to helping you become the very best YOU that you can become.

In January we brought on board Veronica from Local Community Hot Spots—a review site that not only features bloggers favorite spots in Utah, but around the country as well. Veronica loves her community and wants everyone to know about all the amazing places available for families in Utah. Not only that, she believes that everyone should have a chance to shout from the roof-tops about their favorite local places—whether it be a restaurant, boutique or locally owned bookstore. She wanted to make a forum available for people to tell the world what is so amazing about THEIR community… thus Local Community Hot Spots was born.

She has some excellent bloggers that have already submitted several posts about their favorite places in Arizona, Colorado and Idaho.  If you want to have your favorite spots in your community highlighted, send her an email!

Veronica has amazing business relationships as well and is continually hosting events with these local companies. They are all FREE for anyone to attend, you just have to register letting her know you want to attend. We heard through the grapevine that she has put together an awesome event with The Shops at  the Riverwoods in Orem, Utah. Space is limited, so hop on over and let her know if you want to attend. She has lots of fun, free networking events that she is working on to bring brands and bloggers together.

At the end of February we brought on Melissa who owns Green Jell-O with Carrots and The Barrel of Blogs—A fantastic blogging magazine. Melissa brings the creative aspects that we were missing in our network and has been a huge asset.  Green Jell-O offers some of the best products relating to LDS Church Callings we have ever seen. Period. There are lots of free sites out there, but their stuff doesn’t hold a candle to the creative cuteness that is available on Green Jell-O.

Need a FHE lesson, primary coloring sheet or a cute YW handout that isn’t tacky or 1999 feeling?  Green Jell-O is the place for you. Every Friday she hosts Friday Freebie where you can download a new printable every week! We love her and know that you will, too.

We are so excited about her blogging magazine, too! It’s just one more way that we can highlight our awesome readers and give back to you. You are what makes up the content of the blogging magazine and we want to showcase the best of the best from around the blogosphere! If you want to get your blog highlighted in the magazine, head over here and fill out our handy little form.

The Casual Blogger Network believes in the power of YOU and  we truly believe there is no such thing as a small blogger. YOU are the great ones: without you, and your words, and your stories, our communities simply would not exist. YOU are the reason we are here. YOU are the ones that make blogging great.

We believe in the power of the Casual Blogger. We believe in YOU.

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