A friend recently posted about the importance of enjoying what we have NOW. Yes! It's so tempting to tell yourself "I'll be happy when ______" and fill in the blank. When my husband gets out of school, and we'll see him more. When we have a better paying job. When I'm not morning sick. When the kids learn to pick up their OWN toys. When...when...when. But what about now?
I want to LOVE that my kids need a mother. I want to LOVE the little "imagine" games they play. I want to LOVE their tiny fingers. I want to LOVE the short conversations with my husband that are so much more meaningful because they're so precious and rare. I want to LOVE the noise and energy in our home that come from homeschooling and having little kids and music and games.
Even when things aren't what we want, a home still has to be made. No fair sitting around and waiting for that home you want to just *drop* into your lap!
Photo credits: Myrnie