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Hybrid Scrapbooking is just my style

Taylor-001I have been looking into digital scrapbooking for about three years.

This timeframe directly coincides with when I went from having a FILM camera, to having a digital one.

(I have got to tell you, digital cameras are nice, except that I NEVER GET ANYTHING DEVELOPED ANYMORE. And technically, I guess I’m not even getting things developed. I just skip straight to the printing. See? THIS IS CONFUSING.)

At any rate, I stopped keeping up with anything scrapbook related exactly the same week that I stopped using film, and truthfully, the idea of going from paper (texture! ribbons! lovely, turning pages!) to digital sorta freaked me out. I understand that I can PRINT my pages, but they’ll still be flat. One dimensional. Boring even.

Until John at StoryRock said to me, “You know, you COULD just print out the pictures on a background, and add your own physical elements afterwards.”  Guys, it was an AH-HA moment.

My Memories can be used for so much more than digital scrapbooking. You can use it to make cards, and invites, and calendars, and so many other fun things! (Like birthday banners!) 

Of course, I think my favorite feature for the My Memories software is that I can make a LETTER-SIZED SCRAPBOOK. I will give in to many things, but converting to a 12x12 format is not one of them.

If you’ve ever thought about taking the plunge and joining the digital scrapbooking world, now is the perfect time to do it!  You can use coupon code SAVEMOM50 at checkout to get 50% off the software. Which means that for less than $20, you can be a digital scrapbooker. (Which, let’s be honest, sounds pretty cool.)

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Disclaimer: MMB received free copies of the software to try… but these are for really reals our own opinions. Of course if you don’t believe us  you’re welcome to read our disclosure policy, I mean,  IF YOU DON’T TRUST US, then go ahead and knock yourself out.

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