During my twenties I filled my environment with reminders that I was a daughter of a GOD –- and, therefore, ought to be perfect. Sadly, my little family suffered for it. My mothering was too intense at times and my honey-man was roughed over now and again for chancing to be ill on a Sunday or forgetting the tithing check.

Years of scripture study followed. HOW, I wondered, were the prophets able to continue toward greatness despite their inadequacies? I knew what the end was supposed to be without being square on how to get to that end: living the gospel like a project manager with complicated lists, flow charts, and deadlines wasn’t working.
It took a while, but I fi

Uniting ourselves with Jesus, becoming One with Him through a broken heart and a contrite spirit.
When this lesson sunk deep, Moroni’s charge to “lay a hold of every good thing” no longer perplexed me. My life had been a juggling act of “good things”, but now I knew that I just needed to wrap my arms around the Savior and hold on tight. Looking back on the years since my “rebirth”, I can hardly believe how naturally my joy and successes have come.

No pedaling required.
Mona muse
s every Sunday at Mona's Gospel Musings and preaches romance in marriage at Mona's Musings with a Hint of Romance. She is the mother of four plus three and grandmother of two and the award-winning author or With Mine Own Hand: The Musical Account of Nephi. For a daily Hint of Romance, go to Mona's Musings on Facebook.
Photos from Dreamstime
Mona muse
Photos from Dreamstime