Come, my dearest
lover, brother, friend,
and let me look up at you.
When did you become
an ode to manhood,
a spectacle of
by those
you serve,
those you lead,
those you work with, those you love.
When did you gain
the confidence of kindness,
of wisdom, of accomplishment…
rooting a soul so big...you've become
a sanctuary of shade,
the keeper of clouds,
a dream maker
with branches
strong enough for many to rest upon.
Let me look up at you!
Your gentle power spreads an aura
of love, sincerity, and reassurance
that life can grow men
solid enough,
giant enough,
to deserve
the title
tall enough:
"Husband and Father”.
Mona muses every Sunday at Mona's Gospel Musings and preaches romance in marriage at Mona's Musings with a Hint of Romance. She is the mother of four plus three and grandmother of two and the award-winning author or With Mine Own Hand: The Musical Account of Nephi. For a daily Hint of Romance, go to Mona's Musings on Facebook.
Photo from Dreamstime
Photo from Dreamstime