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Getting the most out of General Conference

I have a confession. I am terrible at watching conference.

Don't get me wrong, I love it. I love listening to our leaders, and I do get inspired.

I also get sleepy, antsy, and annoyed at the people in my house.

In fact, I really, REALLY love the Conference issue of the Ensign, because I'm better at reading than I am at listening.

THEREFORE, I have new plan to get the most of General Conference.

First of all, we have to talk about food. I don't want to be in the kitchen, getting snacks and drinks, when I should be downstairs listening to the prophet. I'm going to have to make a menu, and I'm going to have to prepare beforehand, so that I'm not distracted during the sessions. I'm not planning on having anything fancy, but I think having a crockpot full of chili, and some baked potatoes would be a really smart idea.

Of course, I'd want to have easy, quick food ideas available too. Maybe some chicken salad and rolls, or even something as simple as a bag of salad from the grocer. It's easy, quick, and requires little clean up. I'll also have a few baked treats available for my kids. I was thinking that we could have a "new treat" for each session.

I also am thinking that we will be going with paper plates that weekend. Because I don't want to deal with dishes.

Second, notes. I plan on having my laptop open, and taking notes. I can't have a notebook, because then I end up drawing and doodling for two days, but I can have my computer on and pay attention. I can also tweet and facebook my favorite quotes, which will help me stay focused.

Third, the kids. I am going to say that it's unrealistic for me to expect my kids to sit and watch conference for two days. It just is. Which is why I plan to have stations set up in the house, that are church-friendly. That way, even if they're not listening to every single word that is being said, they still know that this is a special weekend, and that our focus is on church and God and conference.

I am really excited about the upcoming General Conference, and I have my fingers crossed that this time, I'll really get something special out of it.

Do you have special preparations or traditions at your house for General Conference weekend?

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About the Author: Caroline Bingham is managing editor of You can find her on Twitter, @CarolineBingham, or on her blog, Caroline and her husband live in Virginia with their four children.

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