Autumn is coming, which means it's time to break out the scarves and get your pumpkin carving on! Here's our list of 101 ways to herald in the fall season.
- rake the leaves and jump in them
- make a leaf garland
- go apple picking
- get lost in a corn maze
- visit a local farm
- go to the pumpkin patch
- bake a pumpkin pie
- bake an apple pie
- just make a pie, alright?
- make pumpkin roll
- drink spiced cider
- visit a petting zoo
- go on a hayride
- harvest your garden
- clean out the garage
- can your veggies
- bake a loaf of bread
- stuff a scarecrow
- host a Halloween party
- make paper plate masks
- spook someone
- hit up a hiking trail
- go on a drive and take the scenic route
- play a murder mystery game
- shake a tree to help the leaves fall
- learn how to tie a scarf
- go to a high school football game
- have a spooky story contest
- carve a pumpkin
- have a pumpkin seed spitting contest
- eat soup from a breadbowl
- have a chili cook-off
- make a gingerbread HAUNTED house
- visit a haunted house
- go trick or treating
- paint your face
- put together a puzzle
- read a book by the fire
- eat candy corn
- go bird watching
- make a pinecone bird feeder
- make a cobbler
- take pictures of the fall foliage
- have a campfire, bring marshmallows!
- gather a leaf collection
- visit the cemetery
- have a crazy sock day
- play red rover
- build a fort
- enjoy the fall TV line-up
- make donuts
- visit a new restaurant
- play mini-golf
- visit an arcade
- go ice skating
- make potato stamps
- make apple stamps
- make a turkey by tracing your hand
- learn a new card game
- feed the ducks
- play touch football
- make candles
- make your own soap
- collect pinecones
- make a skeleton
- have a puppet show
- have a costume parade
- learn to square dance
- do baptisms for the dead
- play soccer
- have a movie night
- shop at a thrift shop
- hit up a yard sale
- clean out the rain gutters
- plant some mums
- make leaf-rubbings
- make a list of all the things you're thankful for
- make thank you notes
- get started on your holiday cards
- have a family talent show
- have a dance off
- learn a NEW way to fold paper airplanes
- play at the park
- learn about the pilgrims and indians
- donate to a local food bank
- make a fall wreath
- make play-dough
- teach your kids a new OLD song
- visit a museum
- play freeze tag
- have a tailgate party
- organize a neighborhood trunk or treat
- take cookies to your local fire department
- make caramel popcorn
- have a pillow fight
- act out your favorite story
- sled down the stairs
- make special Halloween shirts to wear to school
- make shadow puppets
- go on a bike ride
- play catch
If you have any more suggestions, please leave them in the comment section!