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The ULTIMATE Guide to Fun Fall Activities: 101 things to do with your kids

Autumn is coming, which means it's time to break out the scarves and get your pumpkin carving on! Here's our list of 101 ways to herald in the fall season.

  1. rake the leaves and jump in them
  2. make a leaf garland
  3. go apple picking
  4. get lost in a corn maze
  5. visit a local farm
  6. go to the pumpkin patch 
  7. bake a pumpkin pie
  8. bake an apple pie
  9. just make a pie, alright? 
  10. make pumpkin roll
  11. drink spiced cider
  12. visit a petting zoo
  13. go on a hayride
  14. harvest your garden
  15. clean out the garage
  16. can your veggies
  17. bake a loaf of bread
  18. stuff a scarecrow
  19. host a Halloween party
  20. make paper plate masks
  21. spook someone 
  22. hit up a hiking trail
  23. go on a drive and take the scenic route
  24. play a murder mystery game
  25. shake a tree to help the leaves fall
  26. learn how to tie a scarf
  27. go to a high school football game
  28. have a spooky story contest
  29. carve a pumpkin
  30. have a pumpkin seed spitting contest
  31. eat soup from a breadbowl
  32. have a chili cook-off
  33. make a gingerbread HAUNTED house
  34. visit a haunted house
  35. go trick or treating
  36. paint your face
  37. put together a puzzle
  38. read a book by the fire
  39. eat candy corn
  40. go bird watching
  41. make a pinecone bird feeder
  42. make a cobbler
  43. take pictures of the fall foliage
  44. have a campfire, bring marshmallows! 
  45. gather a leaf collection
  46. visit the cemetery
  47. have a crazy sock day
  48. play red rover
  49. build a fort
  50. enjoy the fall TV line-up
  51. make donuts
  52. visit a new restaurant
  53. play mini-golf
  54. visit an arcade
  55. go ice skating
  56. make potato stamps
  57. make apple stamps
  58. make a turkey by tracing your hand
  59. learn a new card game
  60. feed the ducks 
  61. play touch football
  62. make candles
  63. make your own soap
  64. collect pinecones
  65. make a skeleton 
  66. have a puppet show
  67. have a costume parade
  68. learn to square dance
  69. do baptisms for the dead
  70. play soccer
  71. have a movie night
  72. shop at a thrift shop
  73. hit up a yard sale
  74. clean out the rain gutters
  75. plant some mums
  76. make leaf-rubbings
  77. make a list of all the things you're thankful for
  78. make thank you notes
  79. get started on your holiday cards
  80. have a family talent show
  81. have a dance off
  82. learn a NEW way to fold paper airplanes
  83. play at the park
  84. learn about the pilgrims and indians
  85. donate to a local food bank
  86. make a fall wreath
  87. make play-dough
  88. teach your kids a new OLD song
  89. visit a museum
  90. play freeze tag
  91. have a tailgate party
  92. organize a neighborhood trunk or treat
  93. take cookies to your local fire department
  94. make caramel popcorn
  95. have a pillow fight
  96. act out your favorite story
  97. sled down the stairs
  98. make special Halloween shirts to wear to school
  99. make shadow puppets
  100. go on a bike ride
  101. play catch
If you have any more suggestions, please leave them in the comment section!

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