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I Got a Million of 'Em

No, this is not interpretive dance. 
Although when I'm speaking, it's sometimes hard to tell.

There is nothing I enjoy more than the sound of my own voice.  Except maybe the sound of someone else's voice saying, "Hey, can I get you another hot fudge sundae?"  That's a beautiful sound, too.

But put me in front of an audience, block all the exits, and hand me a microphone, and - well, look out, because here come the stories.

I realize that this makes me something of a freak, although I've been astonished at how many bloggers I know who, if they could, would elbow me out of the way and make a grab for that mic.  Maybe we're all closet public speakers, just itching for a chance to tell the world what until now we've just kept on our blogs.

I am incredibly fortunate to be able to fend off my fellow yappers and tell my stories to audiences either too polite or too far from the door to run away.  It's awesome.

If, however, you are also one who would love to tell your stories, but haven't sharpened your elbows sufficiently or tossed dignity to the wind like yours truly, there is this wonderful opportunity to do so at the Story @ Home conference, March 9 & 10, 2011, in Salt Lake City, UT.

It's called "iTell," and essentially it's a place for you to record your story for any and all to hear.  Think of it: Twenty minutes all to yourself, oodles of story prompts and support, and when it's finished, a CD or mp3 recording available for you to take. Right there! On the spot!

My favorite part is the fact that it's FREE!

As soon as you arrive at the conference, sign up for a time to tell your story with iTell.  Do it quick, though. 

Considering how much I plan on saying, the first 12,000 minutes will already be booked.


Contributed to MMB by DeNae Handy, who isn't kidding when she says she loves to talk.


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