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Listen, Listen

Behold: 1. To see with attention; comprehend
Hearken: 1. To listen attentively; to give heed.

Listen: 1. Hear with attention; 2. Listen and pay attention

One of the things that is really interesting about reading the scriptures every morning with my family, is that we get to see how many times the Lord repeats himself when He is speaking to His people.  I think that repetition is one of the ways that He uses to get our attention.  There are three words that have really stood out in our family scripture study this week.  Those words are – behold, hearken and listen.

It would seem, the Lord would like us to make an effort to hear, pay attention, comprehend, listen attentively, and give heed to the heart-changing, life-giving, soul-saving, words of counsel and advice that come directly from Him.

When we behold, hearken and listen, miracles do happen.

I listened last month when the Spirit prompted me to go to the house of one of the Sisters in my ward.  I don't know why I was prompted, but the feeling was so strong that I did not want to say "no".  It did not come at a convenient time.  It came when I was tired, weary, and wanted to rest.  But when the prompting came, I followed it.
I went to this good sister's home, bearing a gift of home-canned, peaches and pears.  She was home and having a very bad day.  She has been ill.  She has been lonely.  She needed a friend.  It was good to visit with her.  It was good to talk about the gospel.  It was good to share our sisterhood.  By going over to her home, not only was I able to give her the encouragement and support she needed, but I felt better for the visit.

Actually, the visit was better than good.  It was a simple, little miracle.  For both of us.

She had been feeling lonely and blue because it was the anniversary of the day her husband passed away.  She did not want to complain to anyone, she just needed someone to talk with, someone to share with, someone who would listen to her grief.  She asked me how I knew.

I didn’t know, but the Spirit did.

The Spirit knew that she needed someone else to turn to.  The Spirit knew that her heart was aching.  The Spirit knew that she needed to feel the love of a sister and a friend.  And, I think the Spirit also knew that I needed those things too.

I am amazed at the small, everyday miracles that can happen if we will just prepare our hearts and make ourselves willing to serve Him.


Patty Ann is a busy mother, grandmother, and wife. She lives her life in the woods she loves up on the top of a beautiful mountain. She loves music, photography and writing. Most of all she loves her Heavenly Father and enjoys writing about his influence in her life. You can find her on her blog at Pitterle Postings

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