Remember when Caroline and I did all those awesome posts about all the crazy hot stuff we found on the internet?
That was when we were cool. And organized. And not living our "lives" that decided they needed to, you know, like happen. RIGHT THIS VERY SECOND.
We're trying really hard to get our crap back together and get the posts scheduled out again on MMB. Including the post of the week. Which, apparently is everyone's FAVORITE post on MMB (who knew?). We're thinking about moving it to another day other than Saturday. Unless you feel all married to it being on Saturday.
Here's some of the crap we found on the internet this week that we pink sparkly puffy heart loved and just can't live without.
I am a product of the 80's -- I mean, who doesn't love those big permed bangs and legwarmers from 1986? My sixteen year old thinks she has died and gone to 80s heaven whenever I let her raid my closet.
(Shut up. I still have some of the clothes from high school. Argyles and Paisleys are hot, yo!)
When I saw all my high-school peeps on Facebook liking a certain new 80s internet radio station, I was more than intrigued. I listened for a while and each and every time I wanted to log off, a new (old) hidden treasure was revealed.
Men Without Hats?
Joe Jackson?
Oh my. Yes please!
Simply put: This new find is ear candy served with a heaping dose of nostalgia.
I pink sparkly puffy heart LOVE it!
If you grew up in the 80's, like 80s music or are just a sap for nostagia, give this internet station a whirl.
Doing your blogging thang to a little Dream Academy is bound to get those creative juices flowing.
Lets show this independent treasure just how amazeballs our community really is and like their facebook page and then share them with all our personal peeps. You can follow them on Twitter and get a current, update timeline of everything they are playing.
Srsly. Such a Time Warp (trio!) and SO fun to freak your kids out with your crazy hot dancing skillz, yo.
Want some FREE Thanksgiving Printables? Peonies and Poppyseeds has you covered. Such cute creative stuff! Caroline has some seriously wicked awesome mad skills when it comes to making FREE printables. We're all super lucky she's our friend and will do that. FOR FREE.
I'm not one for door mats, usually. But this one? I need it. Like now.
Pinterest. It's the crack of the internet.
Are you following us yet?
We have crazy cool pins, so check it.
Music is pretty important to me. I always have music of some sort playing in my house. Never the TV, always music. When I'm not listening to I'm listening to Pandora. I have it on my computer, my Blue Ray (LOVE THAT!) and iPhone. My listening needs can get super specific with Pandora.
Come follow along ( and we can share tunes and stations with each other.
And mock each others listening habits. Or not.
Either way it's free. And, who doesn't like free?
Kohls just put all their Men's Polo Shirts and Mens jeans on clearance - like $11.00 jeans clearance to be more specific. I know this because I had to hang every last one up at the store I work for last night.
Just passing on the sale goodness of Kohls. They have a bunch of kids clearance that just got put out last night, too.
You're welcome.
See you next week!