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Stuff We Liked This Week

We found some tres chic stuff this week on the 'net that we just plain and simple LOVE. No paid sponsorships in this post -- just us telling you what we LOVED this week on the 'net.

Remember how we told ya'll about Pandora and how we pink sparkly puffy heart lurved it? Well, we found another music site and it's consuming mucho amounto of time-o.

Spotify.  Sweet, sweet SPOTIFY. 

It's like Pandora, only you can make playlists of your favorite songs so that you and your peeps can sing along. We did that Thanksgiving Day-- sang our little hearts out to the Sing-Off playlist my sister had made. We were in glorious, sweet glorious, musical nerd heaven.

Once you have it on your computer, it gathers all the music you have on your hard drive into one place and you can go playlist wild. Seriously! It's so freaking cool! 

I actually decided to pay for the monthly membership because it's cheaper than buying every single song/album that I love from iTunes. I can make them on my computer and then download my playlists to my phone(s) and take them with me everywhere I go.

Me gusta. A lot.


When I saw this little poster, I got super excited! I feel very passionately about every thing listed here-- especially Staying out of debt and not using Credit Cards for Christmas. I set up a dedicated savings account at my bank and every payday the bank pulls out my specified amount of money. I was really worried that it would cramp my style to save for Christmas.  "I can't afford it." was what I always thought. However, the truth is I can't afford not to.

Candidly, I don't even miss the money. It's gone before I even realize it's missing and I can't touch the money until the day before Thanksgiving. It sits there all year long, earning 4% interest. And the best part? I don't stress about Christmas anymore. Once the cash is gone-- Christmas is done. Last year a large majority of the gifts that we gave were from local artisans that we knew.  I would rather they have the cash than Mr. Mal-Wart.

In my extended family, instead of exchanging gift cards, we choose a charity and everyone makes a donation to the charity in another family members name. Simple and easy. None of us needs more "stuff" so this is a way for us to give. Twice.


 If I had little boys at my house, this is one of the things they would be getting for Christmas this year. I am in love with it!

If'n you're wanting to make it, check out the instructions on Meg+Andy's blog.

 I gave a gift recently to someone and they asked me if Moxie (my 3yro) had wrapped it. Nope. I did. I am terrible at wrapping presents. They just don't look pretty. However, me thinks I could do this. How fun would it be to get a Christmas present -- or even a birthday gift-- with a fun picture on the front?

Me likey. A lot.


The thing I love most about Pinterest is that it makes my creative juices start flowing. I see things like this and actually think I can pull it off. That's the beauty of Pinterest. It helps those of us who are craft-challenged think we're not.


Instead of using a guest book, why not have all the guests at your next swanky party sign rocks that you can then display in a bowl in your house?

Tres chic.


Remember how we were talking on Facebook about all the Christmas songs we hated a while back? You all weighed in and it was pretty funny.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who hates that dumb Christmas Shoes song. I told my kids that if I'm dying, please DO NOT leave me to go buy me a pair of shoes. I don't want new red shoes to dance with Jesus-- I want to see their beautiful brown eyes.

{such a dumb song}

Lemme tell you 'bout my new favorite Christmas album-- Lower Lights Come Let Us Adore Him.

Seriously guys. I freaking LOVE this album. Its traditional Christmas Hymns re-arranged and they are brilliantly done. There's no weird beat-boxing to Silent Night or buying your Mama a new pair of dancing shoes goin' on over here. Just musicians who have remastered the classics in such a way that your ears will think they have witnessed the most amazeballs ear candy and then died and gone to music heaven.

Sans the dumb red shoes.

Pinkie swear.

I listened to the whole thing on their website and then downloaded the whole album to my iPhone so I can play it while I'm in the car. Yeah. It's that good.

Check out this sample and then go get yours. You can thank us later. 

See you next week,

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