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By The Third Verse


The chorister took her place,
raised her hand
just as the pianist began:

"There is beauty all around
  When there's love at home.."

I know this song. I wonder where she got her shoes.

"There is joy in ev-'ry sound
 When there's love at home..."

Oh this must be her first time playing this song. She missed a note.
Who's the regular pianist? Shoot. Can't remember.
Glad it's not me, thank goodness. I'd be awful.

"Peace and plen-ty here a-bide,
 Smiling sweet on ev-'ry side,
Time doth softly, sweetly glide
When there's love at home."

Oh here comes the chorus. Which part is mine? How high are the high notes?
Oh I'll just sing low and see where my voice goes. 

Love at home, love at home;

Too high, too high!

Time doth softly, sweetly glide
When there's love at home.

Verse Two. I wonder whose teaching today? 

There's only, like 10 of us in here.
Where is everyone? Vacation I suppose.

In the cottage there is joy
When there's love at home;

I have a cottage. A home. {smile}
Shoot, what's the next verse?

Roses bloom beneath our feet;
All the earth's a garden sweet,
Making life a bliss com-plete

I miss having all the kids home.
Sure hope David Scott n' Tisha come home to visit
over the holidays.

When there's love at home.

What if they can't come? 

Love at home, Love at home.

Man, that would be awful if they can't come.
No, they'll come. We're the only family we have.
They'll be there.
Where are we? Oh yeah...

Making life a bliss com-plete 
When there's love at home.

Pay attention. I probably sound like an old windbag.
Hope noone can hear me.
Last verse. What am I making for dinner?

Kindly heav-en smiles above
 When there's love at home;

I love you Heavenly Father.
Thank you for my family.

All the world is filled with love
When there's love at home.
All the world is filled with love
When there's love at home.

I'm glad there's three verses.
I wonder if it takes everyone else this long
to think about the song too?
Three verses is a great idea.

Sweeter sings the brooklet by;
Brighter beams the azure sky. favorite "if I were a crayon, what color would I be" color.
And green.

Oh there's One who smiles on high

Heavenly Father, I love the azure sky. Thank you. It's perfect.
Like You.

When there's love at home.
Love at home,
Love at home;

Kent. I love him. Oh! Stay on key.

Oh, there One who smiles on high
When there's love at home.

*art credit Bing free images

Dawn is married to her own Mr. Wonderful and is the mother of 7 children. She lives in the beautiful Rocky Mountains of Colorado and blogs it all at Momza's House.

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