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On Target

A new friend of mine said, “I think members of the church often look at the things we are taught as a checklist of things to do or not to do.”

No smoking. Check.
No drinking. Check.
No R-Rated movies. Check.
Attend Sunday meetings Check.
Visiting Teaching. Check.
Family Prayer. Check.

“I think,” she said, “We miss a lot when we look at the gospel like this.”

Then I saw what she was talking about, as an image in my head, in the shape of a target, with Christ in the bulls-eye and all the “No’s.” of the gospel making up the outside edges. The Lord’s boundary lines, if you will. The rings being the proactive things the gospel requires of us.

I thought about where exactly on that target my heart is, according to my actions.
This I know, it is not in the center. This I also know, I want it to be.


Heather likes to think of herself as A Goddess in Progress, which is where she normally spills our the personal triumphs, failures, and random occurrences of her life as a wife and mother.

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