Just before my daughter-in-law, Bri, gave birth, I went to her baby shower: a tradition for all the female relatives on Bri’s maternal side of the family. Because everyone was new to me, I observed and absorbed more than participated.
It was fun and satisfying when the last gift sat atop the mountain of baby-wear, but no one budged. The best was yet to come and everyone knew it.
All eyes zeroed in on Bri. Without a word being said, you could feel the room being called to order: Let’s get down to business.

And sister, it was beautiful.
Reminiscent of women gathering in a basement to quilt, or on a back porch to shuck peas, these ladies talked like happy hens with no tomorrow—the way women have for generations – until this one.

So next time Hubby mummers about “babysitting” during Relief Society, tell him you need to replenish your oxytocin – then when you get home, reward him with the surplus!
“When stress levels are moderate and well managed, both men and women can be at their best. They are warm and friendly as well as giving and appreciative to each other.” John Gray, Venus on Fire, Mars on Ice (good reading for more on this topic!)
NEXT UP: Wife Support Part Three: Teaching a Knight to Knit. Mona shares and teaches romance at Mona's Musings with a Hint of Romance and posts daily at Mona's Musings on Facebook. and is the award-winning author or With Mine Own Hand: The Musical Account of Nephi. Based on her experience and study of two fathers, one husband, three sons, two grandboys, and seven brothers, she is writing a book about UNDERSTANDING MEN (go figure). Women say her live presentations on the subject are like going to Zumba class (though she's not sure what that means). Her Relief Society version is world famous (well, Canada is on the schedule).
See Mona's Musings for into.
Photos from Dreamstime.com
NEXT UP: Wife Support Part Three: Teaching a Knight to Knit. Mona shares and teaches romance at Mona's Musings with a Hint of Romance and posts daily at Mona's Musings on Facebook. and is the award-winning author or With Mine Own Hand: The Musical Account of Nephi. Based on her experience and study of two fathers, one husband, three sons, two grandboys, and seven brothers, she is writing a book about UNDERSTANDING MEN (go figure). Women say her live presentations on the subject are like going to Zumba class (though she's not sure what that means). Her Relief Society version is world famous (well, Canada is on the schedule).
See Mona's Musings for into.
Photos from Dreamstime.com