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Family Post Office? What's That?

There are many ways to show love for family members. However, in our family, we don't write to each other as much as we talk to each other or do acts of service. So, for one of our family activities we decided to make a family mail system.

Outside Mom and Dad's bedroom door we made a family post office. Each of us have our own mail box, with flag to indicate when there is a message we need to pick up.

Our family is loving this! I spend moments each day writing love notes my family will want to keep forever, and depositing small gifts into the boxes. Everyone else does the same. My small children come to me and say, “Mom, your flag is up, you better go check your mailbox.”

They can't wait for me to see the love notes they have put in my box. “Mom, you are the best mom ever! Love, Londyn”

When I read the notes some of the children blush a bit or turn away. They have written things they normally wouldn't say. Really kind, mushy things like, “Mom, I love when you sing me songs.”

I think we are really going to love having those mail boxes in the hall to remind us to tell others how much we love and appreciate them.

I'm pretty sure these boxes will end up being our fun new Valentine boxes for 2012. This activity is also teaching my children how to write a letter, and why spelling is important.

Making A Post Office
This is what we did. We ordered small metal mail boxes from Oriental trading for $2 each. Then we decorated them how we wanted to. Then Dad used a long screw and a washer and screwed each one to the wall.

Happy Valentines Day!


Nicholeen Peck is a popular public speaker, television personality, and author. Her blog is Teaching Self Government. The BBC show of her family can be found there, as well as answers to frequently asked parenting questions. To buy her book click here. 
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