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Helping to Make History

There is a new project that Family Search is working on, called Kinfolio, and it is super appealing to me. They are developing a new type of Family History experience for those of us who have ZERO interest in Genealogy -- think Portfolio, only with your Kin.

It starts with YOU and collects YOUR information-- stories, photos etc -- so that future generations will have the stories to connect with.

Family Search wants all us lazy bones to realize that Family History isn't just about all the dead people, but its about the living, too.

Kinfolio will make it possible for you to upload your photos and other personal documents and use it as a place to not only store and save them, but print them as well.

The VP of Marketing at Family Search, Shipley Munson, likes to help people understand that every time you create a status update on Facebook, or add a photo to your timeline, you are participating in Family History. Every time you create a blog post that captures the minutia of your day-- the things you are thinking and feeling and the things your family and children are doing and saying-- you are doing Family History.

Guys. You are doing it! You're doing your family history! 

There are ways to slurp your blogs and make them into books, and I foresee a future where slurping Facebook Timelines into books will be an option as well (if it's not already).

Family Search is looking for people to help test drive this new product and if you're interested you should totally go sign-up. Take 5 minutes, go check 'em out and then give 'em your email.

They are trying to help us to NOT feel guilty anymore and this is just one more way they are doing it. When you sign up, you'll be one step ahead of everyone else that's still feeling guilty.

{stop feeling guilty. it's of the devil.}

Helping to capture the stories of our lives will enrich everyone-- especially those numskulls that are coming up the ranks forty years from now. Who knows, they might even do their fifth grade research paper on YOU.

That'd be cool, no?

At the very least, the words that you have written on your blogs or Facebook and then captured on Kinfolio  could be the very words your posterity needs to read in order to feel like they can "carry on one more day."

Click here to read more about Knifolio and to Sign Up.

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