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BYU Women's Conference Ticket GIVEAWAY!

How many of you know what BYU Women's Conference is?

Really? Two of you still have never heard of it? Ok. Here's the skinny. It's a two day Conference held at BYU just for women about all things women related. You know, like how to "Trust in the Lord's Timetable" or how to "Talk to Teens about Uncomfortable Things" or how to "Be Proud of Who You Are and What You Believe".

Seriously people. It's like a big sparkly love fest only with spiritual stuff wrapped up all nicely in a sparkly pink bow called Girl Friend Time. 

 When you hear all 30,000 women start singing "As Sisters in Zion" all together, I dare you not to be moved. It's a profound experience to be there and feel the power that 15,000 righteous women bring to the table. It's an experience you do NOT want to miss.

They also have these incredible Sharing Stations where you can get amazing ideas for tons of different things such as Dinner Time, How to Keep Calm, and Carry On or Guarding the Gates to your Home. The sharing stations are incredible and its where you will run into your long lost friends.

(I'll tell you that story later and I promise you're gonna want a Kleenex!) 

Now that you know the skinny on Women's Conference raise your hand if you want to actually GO to BYU Women's Conference?

Well. Guess what?


Women's Conference is next Thursday and Friday, April 26th - 27th in Provo, Utah and we have TWO TICKETS to giveaway to a lucky reader of Mormon Mommy Blogs! (you will be responsible for your own food, lodging and travel expenses)

I know, right?!

They want us -- the readers of MMB -- to help jump-start the online conversation about  Women's Conference. More importantly they want the awesome readers of MMB to get people using the brand-spanking new twitter hashtag #byuwomensconf

This is so the sisters around the world can follow #byuwomensconf. It'll be like a huge 2 day twitter party with all us girl-pals chatting about all things women's conference related! We want to see if we can get #byuwomensconf trending nationwide like #ldsconf was over General Conference Weekend. Are you up for the challenge?

Giveaway Rules: 
Leave a comment on this blog post telling us why you want to go to Women's Conference. Make sure to leave your REAL email address when you comment, because that's how we will contact the winner. Contest ends Sunday, April 22 at 11:59pm MDT. Winner will be chosen randomly using and contacted by email. They will have 24 hours to respond and if they do not respond in 24 hours, a new winner will be chosen.

For Additional Entries:  
  1. Blog about this giveaway, linking back to MMB and BYU Women's Conference and then comment on this post with a link to your post. Make sure you tell us why you want to go to Women's Conference and what you hope to gain by attending. The post must include the snazzy new hashtag #byuwomensconf  in your post so your peeps can follow your adventures when you win those tickets! 
  2.  Share the MMB FB Giveaway post on your FB wall and come back and leave us a comment. 
  3.  Pin this post to Pinterest using the hashtag #byuwomensconf and then come back and comment on this post with the link to your pin.
  4. Share this post on your Google+ profile and come back and leave us another comment.
  5.  Tweet about this giveaway on twitter using the hashtag #byuwomensconf  then come back and leave us link to your tweet. You could say something like: 
I just entered to win two cool tickets to #byuwomensconf from @mmbcommunity #mormon  #twitterstake

That's a total of SIX chances to win these awesome tickets! 

We will be at Women's Conference, live tweeting, blogging and making a few awesome printables or two! If you're there and see us, come up and say Hi!  If you can't come, make sure you are following us on FB and Twitter so you can still be apart of the two-day party!

Now, what are waiting for? 
Go spread the good news of #byuwomensconf and comment to win those tickets! 

Good Luck!

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