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Cool Stuff We Found on the Internet

Last we left you with our new favorite internet radio show-- Live from Daryl's House. We're still jamming to it, and wanted to give you another tasty treat for your ears.

Love it. Love it real hard, baby.


These skirts are Sew Dang Cute we can hardly stand it. 
There are several other skirt tutorials on this site as well. 


Apparently Utah is over due for "the big one" and when I saw these I realized I could totally make 72 hour kits and we would survive the Zombie Apocalypse for ... well, 72 hours.


You know what I love more than the chalk on this pantry door? 
The lock. 


Need something quick to do with your kids? 
You're Welcome.



Oh. My. Life. 
Buy the patterns when they are on clearance, or better yet, shop your local thrift store!

Catch ya next week! 

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