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An Invitation to Join the Mormon.Org Christmas Initiative

A billboard in Times Square. There will also be static and interactive adds on buses and taxi cab toppers

 The Church has just launched a pretty impressive Christmas campaign online at It centers on the real reason for the season, which is Jesus Christ. And we have all been invited to help spread the message.

This campaign is intended to help people understand that Mormons are Christian, that we believe in Christ and celebrate Christmas. The messages emphasize a Christmas season centered on the Savior, family, love, service, and worship, and refer people to, where they can learn more about the Church and the gospel.

You can download free Christmas music from the site as well as order a free copy of the bible or download the free Bible Videos that have been produced as a free gift to all the world.

You will find on the Mormon page and App that they have Christmas Music streaming 24/7.  It's such a simple, easy way for you to bring the holiday spirit into your home and it's free. Which makes it a win win!

You can join the conversations that are happening about the church simply by using social media to share the resources found on the site. You can invite all of your friends to download a free Christmas e-card depicting key events surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ. You can then share the Christmas story with family and friends through these cards, which can be posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+. 

The Christmas initiative also includes extensive advertising in Manhattan, New York, with interactive and static billboards, advertising on buses and on the Internet, and even taxicab toppers.

If you are looking for Christmas content for your church lessons, head on over to where you will find they have aggregated all the Christmas content on the site onto one page. You will be overflowing with material for your lessons for the next month! Yay! No more digging and searching for that super awesome video you wanted to show in Young Womens!

Over the next twenty days leading up to Christmas, we will be posting various videos that you can share via your social networking sites. Did you know that you can even pin videos to Pinterest? Yup. Super cool!

This is such a simple, easy way to help people understand who you are and what you believe.

 It will also help everyone to remember what the real reason for the season is: Jesus Christ. 

 Be Bold. 
Be Brave. 
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