As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I am surrounded by stellar examples of righteous parents. Our church is very family focused, and since we're going to be an eternal family, it's important to build good relationships.
Parenting with Spiritual Power is a new book by Julie K. Nelson that uses examples from the Bible and Book of Mormon to teach eternal parenting principles.
This book has shed new light on some of my favorite gospel stories, and has paired them with parenting tips. It's also good to see that even the most righteous parents have children who have gone astray... even with all the tools and knowledge that Heavenly Father has given us, our kids are going to make their own choices.
I've also learned a thing or two that has helped me in my Primary calling.
I've really enjoyed this book, and have already recommended it to a few friends. If you have children, or if you work with children, Parenting with Spiritual Power will help you implement gospel principles into their lives. If you don't have kids, that's okay too, because YOU are a child of God, and this book will help you to understand how much God loves you.
All in all, it's a great book, you'll definitely learn something, and I highly recommend it.

book review,
parenting tips,
positive parenting,