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Throw Out Resolutions

There seems to be a trend in the blogging world to choose one word and focus on that one little word for the whole year. Forget resolutions, one word, carefully chosen, can be applied to almost every aspect of your life. No more failed resolutions...One Word...Simple enough.

In 2012, I chose the word 'Simplify'...I focused on simplifying physically, emotionally and even spiritually as I learned to embrace what is most important. In 2013 I chose a word, but it never felt quite right. A few weeks into the new year, my word chose me...It was 'Grateful', and I tell you living and focusing on gratitude every day was life changing.

This year, I am focusing on being 'Brave'. I have been called on to do hard things that are a stretch for me...I can be brave as I perform what He has called me to do. I can be brave as I put myself out there more as a writer. I can be brave as I prepare to run a race post back surgery. I can be brave and, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Philippinas 4:13

Will you join me in choosing one word to focus on?
What word would you choose?

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Lisa is the mother to one Air Force Son, one Missionary Son and one Sophomore in High School daughter.  She has been married for 24 years to her best friend and blogs at That's What She Said...

Photo from One Word 365

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