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Cultures Day Salon

Recently I was sent the most incredible pedicure package from to try and review. Can I just say HOLY COW, people?! Divine heaven, if I say so myself!

I told Cultures Salon that if it rocked my world, I would bear my testimony to the truthfulness of their kits... Without a shadow of a doubt, and with every fiber of my being I can say that Cultures Salon flavor of the month is true! It has rocked my world, and forever changed my feet!

If you have read my blog at all, you know that my last home pedicure was disastrous. But, Cultures Salon was not. Oh my, No siree! It was sheer bliss!

After using just one of the pedicures (my kit came with enough for two), my feet were thanking me for days and days afterward. I have one last pedicure left from that kit... and I'm saving it for when my kids have driven me past the brink of insanity. Oh wait. That was yesterday. I better get on it!

Now, you know the MMB, and you should know by now that we will only rant about stuff that we really, REALLY love-- and we really loved Cultures Salon's Pedi kits! Mine was fried ice cream... I can only imagine how amazing all the others will be!

Cultures Salon was just featured on KSL/NBC: Studio 5's Fresh Finds and ABC 4's Good Things Utah. They are having some seriously fun giveaways right now on their blog and facebook page.

Go check Cultures Salon out!


Enjoy shopping for quality baby clothing at

