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Mothering Teens - Your Responses

After a messy divorce, I remarried and brought five children with me to a new husband, a new State, and a new life.
My 15 year old daughter at the time, was especially struggling. She was not a foot-stompin’-door-slammin’-teenager—but she was often sullen and directed her negative emotions at me. It was rough for both of us.

One day in particular, we were barely speaking before she left for school. I thought about what I could do all day long while she was gone. Then, when she came home, I met her at the door and invited her to come into the study with me so we could talk. She hesitantly accepted and followed me to the study. I shut the door and said, “Would you mind if we said a prayer before we start talking?”

Then I got on my knees and waited for her. I just poured out my heart to Heavenly Father about my love for my daughter and asked Him for guidance. I specifically felt impressed to say the words, “Help me to treat her like the Queen she is in Your Kingdom. Help me see her in that light and help us both treat one another with more love.”
Tears came to each of us. Hearts were softened. The Spirit filled us with forgiveness and new insight.

It was a turning point for us. Kneeling and praying with my teenagers, especially when there are miscommunications, frustrations and hurt feelings has made a huge difference in our relationship.
Dawn, from "Momza"


Don't miss the crossroads

The time comes in every woman's life when her youngest goes off to school ALL day. It's an amazing time, 6-8 hours of peace at home, in one big chunk, everyday. During that time, the only dishes in the sink are the ones you used, the only shoes accumulating by the door are the ones you kicked off. Ahhhh! The peace and quiet it feels so good.

Sooner or later those free hours begin to fill up, book groups, lunches with friends, a part time or full time job, shopping, errands, new hobbies, pets, there's always something to fill those newly discovered hours of freedom. Mothers, don't miss this opportunity to remain at the crossroads.

President Harold B. Lee, speaking about the righteous influence of mothers, encouraged mothers everywhere to stay at the crossroads of the home. He teaches us that, “Mothers are the creators of the atmosphere in the home and do much to provide the strong foundation for their sons and daughters, to provide them with strength when they leave the influence of their homes.” This never ceases to be a principle of utmost importance whether they be 2 or 20 years of age. The mother continues to be the single greatest contributor to the atmosphere and spirit of the home. Don't miss being at the crossroads.

Kristin, from "Alpine Klein Bunch"

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