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Designer Denim Charity Sale

I have a confession to make. I love jeans. A lot. I would marry them, only that would be weird. I love designer jeans even more, only I have this disease called Cheap-skate-itis. Its deadly... for a persons fashion sense.

When I heard there was going to be an amazing once in a life-time Charity Denim tent sale-- all benefiting the Utah Food Bank-- I pulled a Dorothy. You know, Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz? Yeah, I clicked my heels three times and said: "There's no place like South Towne. There's no place like South Towne. There's no place like South Towne."

Because really, if you're going to be in Utah, there is no better place to be than South Towne Mall's parking lot (on the corner of 102nd South and State St) on Friday June 19 and Saturday, June 20th.

Charity denim is this incredible organization that is hosting this amazing event. They are graciously donating 100% of the profits to the Utah Food Bank. In this day and age, I find that simply amazing!

Charity Denim carry's last seasons merchandise, and sells it at crazy low prices. $25-80 for brands like True Religion Brand; Seven For all Mankind; Hudson; Joe's; Citizens of Humanity; Tavernitti; Antik; and tops from Anthropology.

I know!
Crazy, huh?

Those crazy tent flaps will open at 10:00am on Friday morning and go all day. If you bring a couple of cans of food, you will get $5.00 off your already low priced designer jeans!

Also, anyone who wants to invite all their local facebook friends to this event, and then email Charity Denim, they will be entered into a drawing for a free pair of jeans.

Charity Denim will have jeans for men, women, and children in sizes ranging from 00-12 (and 42 for men).

You can hit the Designer Denim Charity Sale, and then head to the Gateway for the Chalk Art Festival!


Enjoy shopping for quality baby clothing at

