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Charlie and Lola vol. 9:What Can I Wear for Halloween?

Of all the cartoons geared towards kids today, Charlie and Lola is probably the best, most kid-friendly and age appropriate of them all. Lola is a your standard little sister, full of imagination, curiousity, and good intentions, while Charlie is the understanding and encouraging big brother.

In the latest DVD release, Charlie and Lola are getting ready for their school's Halloween party. They've been growing a pumpking for, according to Lola, "months and months and even years!" But there's an unfortunate accident before the party, and now Lola is pumpkin-less and she still doesn't have a costume!

There are nine episodes on this DVD, including the double-length Autumn special, Everything is Different and Not the Same.

We have a copy of Charlie and Lola vol 9: What Can I Wear for Halloween? to giveaway!

To enter:

*Leave a comment telling us what you or your kids are going to be for Halloween.

*Subscribe to MMB, the Review Blog.

*Tweet this giveaway with our twitter name @MormonMommyBlog or copy and paste the tweet below

Charlie and Lola DVD Giveaway @MormonMommyBlog

Giveaway will close October 20, 2009 at 9:00 pm EST.

Good Luck!

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