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Buying Handmade & Holiday Giveaway Announcement

There is nothing like a beautiful gift, lovingly hand-crafted for your favorite person. Except maybe Chocolate.

But I digress.

I Took The Handmade Pledge!

MMB loves hand crafted gifts. We've even taken the Buy Handmade Pledge. Have you?

In an effort to promote buying handmade this year for Christmas, and to showcase all the amazing Mom-shop owners, we are hosting a huge Holiday Giveaway.

Starting Monday November 16th we will be showcasing all the shops and items that MMB loves and offering them to you-- our amazing readers-- in the form of daily giveaways!

(except for the week of Thanksgiving... because we all know we're too busy making pies from scratch to surf the Internet...)

We encourage you to consider taking the Buy Handmade Pledge and purchasing your gifts this year from our Mom-shop owners. There are so many wonderful things that you can purchase that will mean more than a dumb Lego-truck.

*Do you have a Mom Shop? There is still time for you to get in on the huge Holiday Giveaway.
Contact for more information*

Enjoy shopping for quality baby clothing at

