Elder Russell T. Osguthorpe is the General Sunday School President, and he gave a fantastic talk during the Saturday morning session of General Conference called Teaching Helps Save Lives.” Many of us have opportunities to teach in our church or civic responsibilities, and the tips here are obviously valuable in those settings, but as I listened to this talk I felt a powerful impression that these were important tools for parenting. Perhaps my greatest responsibility as a mother is to teach my children. The really important stuff. This talk is a great reminder of the power of that role and what I should focus on.


“We teach key doctrine, invite learners to do the work God has for them, and then promise that blessings will surely come.”

“All parents and gospel teachers are messengers from God.”

“Learning and teaching are not optional activities in the kingdom of God. They are the very means by which the gospel has been restored to the earth and by which we will gain eternal life. They provide the pathway to personal testimony.”

You can read the talk here, or listen to it here, or watch it here. Or, if you got your Ensign in the mail this week like I did (yippee!), you can find this talk on page 15.

So what did you learn about being a better teacher?

Please share your insights, testimony or experiences in the comments.