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Holiday Giveaway - Hullaballo Boutique

Hullabaloo makes some of the most adorable children's clothes we have ever seen! Her designs are original and simply adorable. Your favorite child will look amazing in one of Hullaballo's creations. All of Hullaballo's designs are original, one of a kind works of art. She usually doesn't follow commercial patterns. She says it stifles her creativity.

She likes to design her own patterns, so if she does follow a pattern, she always tries to make it her own by customizing it in one way or another.

Hullabaloo is offering ONE lucky reader: A beautiful flower with a little bling in the center! Perfect for a wedding or holiday celebration. Order a headband or a clip. Several colors are available. AND A little preppy, and a little bohemian-- this skirt is avaliable in fabulous holiday colors. A sweet and simple skirt made in your size-- 12 months through adult.


The Rules:

Anyone can enter to win.
Contest ends December 8th at 11:59pm

For an entry in this giveaway, and for each additional entry,
Please click here for the entry form

To enter, simply fill out an entry form .

To get a second entry, visit Hullaballoo's and tell us what you just can't live without.

To get a third entry, subscribe to Hullaballoo's feed or add them to your favorites on Etsy.

To get a fourth entry spread the word about the giveaway by Blogging about it with a link back to MMB in the post.

To get a fifth entry join our Blog Frog Community.

To get a sixth entry, follow us on our Review blog, our homepage and this blog.

To get a seventh entry, Twitter/Facebook about the giveaway - with a link to MMB- then come back and comment again, letting us know you posted.

That's right. You have a total of SEVEN chances to win. That's pretty good odds, folks!

Remember: Please make separate entries for each thing you do. We use to choose our winners, and it only counts how many actual entries we have-- not multiple entries on one comment!

Good luck!

Enjoy shopping for quality baby clothing at

