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LDS Penpal Program

My son was about 7 when he decided he hated to write.

As a mom who loved writing her whole life and has already published a book, I just couldn't figure this out! Was he really my son? My flesh and blood?? I decided that getting him a penpal would be the perfect thing to do. Every kid loves to get mail! I asked a friend if her son would be willing to write to my son. Then I realized, there are probably lots of LDS kids out there, wanting a penpal!

That is how LDS Penpals was born.

We now have over 100 kids in 4 different countries and we are having a blast! We had a big Back To School Kickoff with prizes that were sent to every kid on the list, and are in the process of starting a Flat Stanley project!

But most importantly... my son now loves to write. He gets so excited to write his penpal! My daughters are in love with it too.

For more information about the LDS Penpals Program, please visit us at . We do ask for a minimum one time donation of $5.00 to help pay for the mailings that go out and prizes for the kids!

To get started, I just need your children's names, ages, and address! We work very hard to match the kids up with children of their own age, that don't live in the same state.

Come join in the fun at LDS Penpals! We are excited to get to know you!

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