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Sunday Symposium: Love and Law

Elder Dallin H. Oaks spoke during the Saturday afternoon session of General Conference. His talk was called “Love and Law.” Elder Oaks was a lawyer by profession and eventually a Supreme Court Judge at the state level. His entire career was dependent upon the understanding of and the application of law.

Although I had been taught about the Atonement my entire life, and had even served a mission and taught Gospel Doctrine in several wards, I did not realize that I grossly misunderstood the role of the Atonement until I attended a seminar in which the teacher carefully laid out the delicate balance between justice and mercy. As I begin to understand the demands of each, and the urgent need for a perfect mediator, the Atonement came into focus for me. The Atonement of Jesus Christ answers the demands of law and satisfies the requests of mercy. In this talk by Elder Oaks, he outlines how important the role of law is in the gospel of Jesus Christ and how His love gives us access to mercy at a cost far less than its real worth.

"The love of God does not supersede His laws and His commandments, and the effect of God’s laws and commandments does not diminish the purpose and effect of His love."

You can read the talk here, or watch it here, or listen to it here.

Elder Oaks explains that these principles can guide us in the teaching of our children.

How do you balance love and law as a parent?


Stephanie is a mom of three young and relentless children. Her interests include latin music, naps, restaurants, writing, travel, teaching, housework denial and long showers. Stephanie seeks for the divinity in motherhood--- tries to share it when she finds it, and tries to laugh when she doesn't. She blogs for fun, posterity, and therapy. Her musings are chronicled at Diapers and Divinity, and if you know how to send chocolate as an attachment, you're welcome to email her here.

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