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The Dancer's Paper Purse

Creativity doesn't always cost money, I was reminded by my friend Tehmi this week. :) Yes, we paint a lot around here, but we also like to create with old boxes and magazines, markers, glue, tape, and anything else we can find.

The dancer was so looking forward to a couple hours with the builder when he came home from school (first week of all-day kindergarten). When he arrived, his friend asked him over to play. She handled it ok, clearly disappointed, but there weren't any tears or complaining.

As we walked back in the house, I asked if she'd like to color. "With markers?!" :) We only color with markers when the explorer is asleep (the world, house, and our furniture is safer that way). Sure, was my response.

But we got distracted. I was getting rid of a couple empty boxes. The kiddos love to salvage things from the trash, but even more from the recycle bin. The dancer doesn't like boxes of any kind going to the recycling. Especially if they are princess pull-up boxes. Believe, me, we've tried. So we find other uses for them: toy holders, laundry baskets. Disney has made millions, but they don't need to sell us a laundry box, that is for sure!

Well the box being rescued today was a tampax box and I thought we better improve it's appearance if it was going to accompany the dancer anywhere in public.

So old faithful---being in this case, a Land of Nod catalog, came to our design rescue. A bit of glue, and voilĂ ! Seriously an easy project. (We couldn't find my scissors...I think the explorer used them earlier...maybe they are in the we simply tore the box and paper where needed) We had a handmade purse. The dancer is delighted, and boy will the designer be pleased with me that our daughter is not sporting monthly propaganda on her arm everywhere she goes!

...I think we'll go and make one for her new friend Stella now....:)

katrina berg is an artist living and creating in Midway, Utah. She is a creator of home, a lover of the designer, and a nurturer and teacher of 3 small souls.

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