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Meet Our Sponsor: Kantan Designs

Since 2008, Kantan Designs has been designing creative and unique posters to cheer up the soul and beautify the home. Heather and Matt Mildenstein, founders and designers of Kantan Designs, work together to create lovely art for everyday display. 

Kantan Designs wanted to create clean, simple designs that are classic and will be able to stay up in the home for a long time without being dated. So they came up with some LDS and everyday ideas and inspirations that give you reminders to stay on task! You Must Not Forget To Pray Night And Morning Everyday poster is one of their best sellers. It is taken from a line in the not as popular LDS Hymn, "In Our Lovely Deseret."  Although it is clever and cute, some don't even realize that it's a line out of a hymn, but love the saying. It sticks with you. 

Kantan Designs has been a featured vendor at the Bijou Market for the last two years. Although they carry quality posters and designs, they try to stay in reach of people's budgets, too. Keeping pocketbooks in mind, Kantan Designs offers quality prints and designs, yet their prices range from only $5-$9. They like to keep things simple!

Make sure to go check out Kantan Designs shop and watch for a giveaway from Kantan Designs coming up very soon on MMB!

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