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Child's Birthday Party Idea - An Art Show

A few weeks ago, the builder (5), came to me after painting and explained, "Mom, this is for your art meeting."  I smiled.  Then he explained that it cost $4.  "Oh," I replied, "you want to start selling your artwork?  Then you want me to take it to an art show."  We talked a bit about the difference between the art meetings I attend and art shows in which we put on, and participate.

I thought I would post his painting on my blog for fun.  Then he came to me the afternoon of his birthday celebration (cake and ice cream at Grandma's), and announced that he'd like to have an Art Show Party.

So I quickly called the cousins and asked them to bring some creations of any kind for an Art Show. The builder and his younger siblings went around the house and chose from some of their favorite works that are taped and hung all over the house.  They also found a few pieces my sister and I have done that they wanted in the show. 

When we arrived at Grandma's that evening, all the cousins were very excited.  Grandma has a formal living room used for performances and special occasions.  Aged 2 up to 11, they wanted to do the show set-up all on their own, so we left them to it.

Once ready, they took us through their exhibit, explaining which pieces were theirs, told us about each piece, and even gave us pricing.  Developmentally appropriately placed on the floors and couches (at their eye level).  Each piece was propped up proudly.  They had a wonderful time creating some new pieces and organizing their very first art show together. 

And of course...the builder was in heaven!

To make your own Art Show Party,...some things your kiddos might enjoy:

  1. attend a local art show, talk with your child about what they see so it can be recreated at home
  2. suggest each piece be signed by the artist
  3. exhibit various forms of artwork: sculpture (clay, legos, tin-foil, etc.,)
  4. create tags for each piece that give the piece title, artist name, medium(s) used, size, & price
  5. have them create their own barter system (they can even sell artwork for 2 chocolates, 1 orange, 4 stickers, etc., and remind them that artists love to "trade" their artwork)
  6. use easels, hang on your walls, or prop artwork in window sills, along piano, couches, etc., let them get creative here
  7. serve refreshments/snacks (a good show always has some fancy food) :)
  8. make invitations/advertisements (use images of some of the artwork that will be shown to create interest)
  9. take photographs or video to enjoy later (I forgot my camera that night!)
  10. enjoy!

What are your favorite creative and simple birthday parties for children?



katrina berg loves to create with her three small kiddos everyday. They paint, cook, and make lots of messes. The future cooks & artists like to borrow her favorite tools, so if you spot a stray ladel, paint brushes, or sushi mat...please let her know!

Photos and images by katrina berg and kiddos

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