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Parenting Wisdom From Conference: Part 2

Elder Dallin H. Oaks

Taught us that we desire good things and bad things too.  And, no matter if we are going toward our good desires or our destructive desires the process is the same.  Desires lead to priorities, which lead to choices, which lead to actions.  We should “over-ride” our evil desires with our righteous desires.

As Latter Day Saints, we desire to be good parents and have eternal families.  This is a righteous desire which is worth working toward.  We can set our priorities in line with our desire.  Then each day we can make choices which lead us to the appropriate actions to accomplish our desire.

President Thomas S. Monson

President Monson said parents who have willful or spirited children are blessed. 

Even though every parent wants an obedient child, some parents are blessed with children who are more difficult.  These children have strengths and special gifts which will be the driving force for them to do good instead of bad if nurtured correctly.  I know, because I was one of these kinds of children.  I gave my parents many of their gray hairs.  But, they never gave up on me.  They kept loving and teaching me.  And now I use my strong spirit and energies to fight for the Lord and His plan and purposes.  Love your strong willed children.  Teach them how to channel their emotions and energies.  Teach them the communication skills they need for family and relationship success. 

Elder Cecil O. Samuelson

Elder Samuelson admonished us to teach our children to repent. 

How do children learn to repent?  They follow the example and counsel of their parents.  As we repent and improve our Spirits, so will our children.

More to come . . .


Nicholeen Peck is a popular public speaker, television personality, and author. Her blog is Teaching Self Government. The BBC show of her family can be found there, as well as answers to frequently asked parenting questions. To buy her book click here.

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